Drawing and painting is a natural way of expressing ourselves from a very early age. Knowing us for the love of free play and no limits in terms of creativity, it is no surprise that in our science or tinkering project we often offer the magic of paints and brush to the children.
But paper, cardboard, or wood is one type of canvas.
Looking out of the window, where our steps lead primarily, there is an entire world of material and patterns to play with.
In our currently running Backyard explorers, we take the children to the rocks and introduce the “cave art” to them. With water and mud, it is easy to paint on the surface of the rocks, and by adding some stickiness, we can also glue on some leaves or other treasures of nature.
Looking around ourselves and seeing the possibilities of creation in the natural open a new door to the kids and the entire family. If you take your child on a walk and spend few minutes just drawing into the sand, or building a castle from rocks, not only you support their creativity and stimulate their curiosity. But art is healing on the mind, especially in the times when we spend a lot of time at home and in front of the screens.
Don’t be afraid to ask your kids about what canvas they would like to use, or just come to our campus for some inspiration. We guarantee you won’t be able to take any art home so easily, but the memories will stay with you for years.